Friday, March 19, 2010

Artificially Inseminating Your Dog

One of our English Bulldog Puppies and My daughter Above!

Artificially Inseminating Your Dog

I thought I would spend a moment explaining the basics of artificially inseminating your dog.

The big question seems to be, explain the process.
You simply bring your dog to the veterinarian (PS, all vet's do not do this, so call and ask first.) Bring your male dog in as well, at the same time.

The veterinarian simply takes the sperm from the male (trying to say this as nicely and cleanly as possible) pretty much as a man would masturbate.

Then he inserts it into the female dog.
The entire artificially insemination process takes just minutes. Both Dog's are awake and it is not painful at all for either dog. Fees to artificially inseminate are about $30 to $75 from the vet, that is assuming you have the Male dog as well. If you are using a male dog that is not yours, they will let you know their fees for his sperm.

Artificially Inseminating Your Dog, Extra info
We have three English Bulldogs we breed we started out having them artificially inseminated at the vet. The first time we brought our one female English Bulldog in and Jake our male, Madison did not get pregnant. We did have success Artificially Inseminating our dog Jordin there. We soon realized we could do this at home.

We now do the Artificially Inseminating here and have great success. You can buy artificial inseminating kits online. We read as much as we could and my husband actually had our veterinarian show him how to do this at home.

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